Monday, October 5, 2015

Tuesday, October 6th

October 6th - Tuesday

Image result for industrial era
Second Industrial Revolution

1. What  connections do you see between industrialization and the the social and economic changes from the Gilded Age.

The connections I see are _________________________and ___________________.

2. We discussed the negative side of the Gilded/Industrial Era yesterday, what are some of the positives?

The positives of the Gilded/Industrial Era are ____________and _________________.

Image result for robber barons

New Vocabulary Word Activity

  • You will be divided in groups of 7.
  • You will not talk as a group, observe the photo.
  • Write what you see. Show example.
  • Keep writing until we say change. Think/Write/Think/Write
  • Change posters and do the same thing.

We will give further instructions after every group has done every poster.

Discuss the activity

Image result for exit ticket clipart

What did you think of this activity? 

I think ___________ because we did _______________.

Tell us a new word you learned and what it means.

I learned ________________and it means __________________.

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