Friday, October 9, 2015

Monday, October 12th

Monday, October 12th

To get an idea of the significance of some of the inventions of this period,  let us compare the impact of a few of the inventions today to the impact inventions around the turn of the century might have had on people’s lives.

•  Which do you think had a greater impact on the people of its time: MP3 players or the phonograph?

Image result for phonographImage result for m3 player
•  Which do you think had a greater impact on the people of its time: cell phones or the telegraph?

 Image result for telegraphImage result for cell phone

•  Which do you think had a greater impact on the people of its time: the Internet or electricity?

Image result for internetImage result for electricity

Group Activity Present

Image result for groups of 4

Image result for exit door

Was the rise of industry good for the United States overall? Why or why not?

The rise of industry is good/not good for the United States overall because _________________________ and _________________.

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