Monday, October 26, 2015

Tuesday, October 27th

Quiz Review Day - Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Image result for starbucks

Captians of Industry or Robber Barons Today

Describe what Starbucks is doing?

Starbucks is _________________________________________.

Do you think Starbucks is a Captain of Industry or more of a Robber Baron? Why or why not?

Starbuck is a _____________________because ______________________________.

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Questions? Time to study/review!

stopwatch    Image result for stopwatch

Image result for exit door  Describe the difference between "Captains of Industry" and "Robber Barons." Give an example of each from the 2nd Industrial Age. 
Bonus: Give a current example of each.

1. Captains of Industry did  _______________, ________________, and _______________. 

A few examples of this are _____________, ____________, and _______________.

 A current example is _________________.

2. Robber Barons did _______________, ________________, and _______________. 

A few examples of this are _____________, ____________, and _______________.

 A current example is _________________.

How did things change for people in the Gilded Age from 1865 to 1900?

3. Some changes were ____________, _______________, and _______________.

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