Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thursday October 15th

 Inventions! Innovations!
Thursday -  Oct. 15, 2015

How has the telephone changed the most since it was invented?

It has changed by ________________.

Predict how it will change 100 years from today.

It will _____________________________.

Inventions and their Inventors in the 2nd Industrial Age

You will choose an invention to research. You will then create a PowerPoint or Prezi. This PowerPoint must be accurate and provide in-text citation where necessary. You must have at least one picture per slide.

Required Elements: Using Google Slides, your project will have the following parts:

  1. Title Page (one slide)
A.  Invention
B.  Inventor
C.  Year invented
  1. History of Invention (2-3 slides)
a.  Why was it invented
b.  Was it based on something that came before it?
c.  How was it used then?  Was it mass produced?  
d.  How is it used now?
  1. History of Inventor (1-2 slides)
a.  Why did he/she invent this?
b.  What was their original intention for the Invention?
c.  Was the inventor an immigrant?
  1. Video of Invention (if you can find one) 1 slide
  2. Work Cited Page (1 slide)
a.  Three sources

i.  One must be a primary source: Law, Journal, newspaper, political cartoon, etc. from this time period.

ii. All must be reliable sources, like 1) websites that end in .edu, .gov, or .org (depending on the organization) and 2) your American Voices textbook
    1. You must also in-text cite your work.

      It's Your Turn.  Pick an Invention from the Gilded Age to Research and Develop a PowerPoint presentation. You will have two days to research and you will present to class next week.

What invention did you pick?

I picked __________________.

  1. Image result for exit signWho is the inventor?

    The inventor is _________________.

    One thing I learned today about my invention/inventor was __________________.

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