Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10th

Reconstruction 9-09

Essential ?: What were the problems faced by Reconstruction?

Snowball Fight

We are going to have a snowball fight to share our answers.

The room will be divided into two teams. You cannot grab all the snowballs. Stay on your side of the line.

When we say go, you will crumple up your papers & throw your warm ups at the other side for 1 minute. 

At the end of 1 minute, the team with the most snowballs will lose &  they will have to share the  paper responses they picked up. 

Ready, Set, Go!

Work Time

1. Is your visual creative and powerful?
2. Did you answer the 5 W's?
Image result for workers3. Will your classmates understand your project?
4. Is everything grammatically correct?
5. Are you ready to present?

Presentations Tomorrow:

1. Reconstruction
2. Radical Republicans
3. Wade-Davis Bill
4. Freedmen's Bureau
5. 13th Amendment
6. Black Codes
7. Sharecropping
8. Ku Klux Klan
9. Civil Rights Act of 1866
10. 14th Amendment
11. 15th Amendment
12. Tenure of Office Act
13. Compromise of 1877

Image result for exit ticket

In your journals, write how you feel about your project.

I feel _____________about my project.

Is your co-worker helpful? Are they pulling their weight?

My Co-worker is ____________. He/she is working on _____________.

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