Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Thursday, February 4th

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There were many social, economic, and political changes during the 1920's. For the first time, more people lived in cities than farms. America's total wealth doubled during the 20's and thus turned us into a "consumer society." People bought the same goods, listen to same music,  danced the same dances, and used the same slang. 

Was this good or bad? Did this bring conflict or celebration?
Think about it as you watch this video.

The Roaring 20's Inventions

What were some of the inventions from the 1920's?

Some inventions from the 1920's were ____________. ____________, and _____________.

What were some of the major changes in medicine?

Major changes in medicine were ____________ and __________________.

How does these inventions and changes affect"The Roaring 20's"? Were they good or bad? Did they cause conflict or celebration?

These inventions and/or changes affected "The Roaring 20's by _____________________ _________. They were __________ because __________________.

Vocabulary Stations

Class Discussion -
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Finish Your Word Webs for two Vocabulary Terms

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