Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday, February 5th

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What item or items would you like to learn more about from the 1920's?  Why?  I would like to learn about ______________ because _______________________________.

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Each Group will be Responsible for Reading a Section of the Assigned Chapters.  You will then address the following questions to present to your peers:

  • What are the primary issues addressed?
  • Who was involved?
  • Define any new vocabulary terms
  • What did these items add to American society?
We would like 4+ powerpoint slides which should include images that support your findings. You want to be clear so everyone can understand your chapter.
Honors: Minimum of 6 awesome slides with more details.
**What were some long term affects of what you studied? Do we see this today?

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Do you like this way of learning? Why or Why not?

I _______like this way of learning because _____________.

Are you finished? How much more time do you need?

I _______finished. I need __________time to finish.

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