Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday, January 26th

Image result for the alamo Missed you all! Excited to be back!


Humans of New York

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What does this image portray?  This image portrays ___________.

Would you like to work with the gentlemen feeding you with the spoon?  Why or why not?  I would (would not) like to work with them because ________________.

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GROUP PRESENTATIONS- Listen, take notes, ask questions...

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What were three terms of the Treaty of Versailles?  Three terms were ______,______ and _______.

What was Wilson trying to accomplish with the 14 Points?  Was he successful?  Wilson tried to accomplish _________. 

What was the role of the League of Nations? Was it successful or not?

The role of the the League of Nations was _____________.
It was _____________because _____________.

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