Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday: January 4, 2015

Image result for welcome back to school after winter break memes

FINAL - Monday- January 11, 2015

Wednesday - Review on Reconstruction
Thursday - Guided Age and Progressive Era
Friday - Imperialism

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Review will be based on your questions.

Which unit do you feel most comfortable? uncomfortable?

I feel most comfortable with _______________unit.

I am stressed about _______________unit.

Book Work Time
PP 416-417

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 Who are the 5 major powers of Europe at the time?

What is another name for the Central Powers and what countries were part of the Central Powers?

What is another name for the Allies and what countries were part of the Allies?

Define Alliance, Pacifists, and Nationalism?

Why might Slavic Nationalism cause conflict in the Balkans?

Label and color in the map. The color should be based on Alliances.

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Write one question you have about Reconstruction.

1. _______________________________????

Homework: Bring in 2 more Reconstruction questions tomorrow.

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