Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 29th

Gina McCarthy
Gina McCarthy
"Nations Agree on Historic Pact to Slow Global Warming" article..

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Should it be the role of the US Government to fix climate change?  Think of the moral, economic, foreign policy arguments.

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Now that you have heard from the class, what do you think should be the role of the US Government and why?  I think the US Government should __________________ because _____________.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Image result for ace the test meme      Make sure you bring work to do after the quiz!

YOU HAVE 10:00 minutes to look over your notes.  Countdown    - GOOD LUCK!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wednesday, January 27th

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What was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles? Did it succeed in its' purpose? Why or why not?

The purpose of the Treaty of Versailles was ____________. It ___________ in its' purpose because __________________.

What was Wilson trying to accomplish with the 14 Points?  Was he successful?  Wilson tried to accomplish _________. 

What was the role of the League of Nations? Was it successful or not?

The role of the the League of Nations was _____________.

It was _____________because _____________.

Image result for kahoot animated   GRAB A CHROMEBOOK!

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Would you support the US entering World War 1?  Why or why not? 

I ________________support the US entering WWI because ________________________.

Tuesday, January 26th

Image result for the alamo Missed you all! Excited to be back!


Humans of New York

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What does this image portray?  This image portrays ___________.

Would you like to work with the gentlemen feeding you with the spoon?  Why or why not?  I would (would not) like to work with them because ________________.

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GROUP PRESENTATIONS- Listen, take notes, ask questions...

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What were three terms of the Treaty of Versailles?  Three terms were ______,______ and _______.

What was Wilson trying to accomplish with the 14 Points?  Was he successful?  Wilson tried to accomplish _________. 

What was the role of the League of Nations? Was it successful or not?

The role of the the League of Nations was _____________.
It was _____________because _____________.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Monday, January 25th

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So, Now What?

Pretend you are a world leader and answer these questions:

What do you think is important to restore peace after a war fought between over 100 countries and with close to 30 million people killed or injured?  I think _____________________.

What would you demand, if anything, from the Germans and other Central Powers that lost the war?  I would demand ___________.

Would you prefer to act for the self-interests of the USA or in agreement with out allies?  Why or why not?  I would prefer __________ because _____.

group-projects-61490461864_xlarge.jpeg (350×262) Group Project Time!  Read and analyze your packets.  Be prepared to present to the rest of the class on Tuesday.

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Did you opinion of what should be expected after the War change after reading your packet?  Why or why not?  My opinion ______ because _______________.

Do you think Wilson's vision of a "War leading to Peace" became a reality?  Why or why not?  I think his vision ______ because ____.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, January 20th

Getting on a War Footing

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How many soldiers fought in the first World War?  _______ soldiers fought.

How many miles of trench lines were found along the Western Front?  _______ miles of trench line were found.

How many tons of chemical weapons were used?  ______ tons were used.

What three items killed over 5 million civilians?  ______, ______ and _______ were the main causes of death.

Table Countries:  Get with your Table and Discuss your War Strategy
How Much will you risk?  In your journals write down your tactics.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday, January 19th

Welcome to the New Semester

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What is the primary right MLK is talking about?  The primary right he is talking about is _______________.

What do you think he is referring to as "The Promised Land"?  I think he is referring to ____________________.

How does this speech make you feel?  I feel ______________.

US Entry into World War 1 Review

Add Notes as Needed in your Journals.  New Students exhibit your boxes.

Who was the King of Germany that pushed nationalism?  It was _________________.

How much barbed wire was strung throughout Europe?  ________ was used along the trenches.

How many soldiers were killed at Gallipoli?  ________

What new kind of warfare made soldiers sick if it did not kill them?  ___________ warfare was introduced.

What were the primary contributions of women?  Women contributed _____________.

Was any side winning in 1916?  ________

What did Lenin do with Germany?  Lenin __________________.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday, January 14th

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What was the tone of the video?  The tone was _________________.

Do you think the video supported the US change to enter World War 1?  Why or why not?  I think the video __________ the war because _______________.


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2 More Reviews and Debates:  Work Together, Focus on your Decision to either Stay Neutral or

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Was it in the U.S. national interest to stay neutral or declare war in 1917?  Why or why not?  Provide one or two pieces of evidence from our activity.  It was/was not in our interest because ________.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wednesday, January 13th

Is War Ever Justified?

I believe that war is ______________because ____________________.


Read the article - ANNOTATE!
Discuss with your group and answer the questions.

As a group, decide whether the United States should stay neutral or declare war in 1914.

Represent your group’s position by creating signs for a predebate rally. Signs should

• include a visual and a slogan.
• clearly indicate your group’s position by using the words “neutral” or “war.”
Appoint a presenter for the debate.
If time permits - present!

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Write your slogan in your journal and draw a picture to represent it.
Summarize your group's stance at this time.

Tuesday, January 12th


1. I think I scored a ______ on the test and _______ for the semester.

2. Did you meet your goals? Why or Why not?


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Define Neutrality.

Neutrality is _______________.

Give an example that you have experienced in your life or seen here at Basalt High School that shows neutrality.

An example of Neutrality I have seen was when ________________.