Monday, November 9, 2015

Tuesday, November 10th

Thesis Development November 10, 2015

Use Easy Bib to cite the textbook on your table, an article from the newspaper on your table, and a website on an article about the Gilded Age. Send us an email with your citations.

EasybibImage result for easy bib

Jigsaw teaching

Image result for jigsaw puzzle

Populism:  The Response to the Changes in the Industrial Age

What was the Pendleton Act?
Why did the Populists form?
What did they change?
What happened to this group?

Discuss and write in your journal.

The Pendleton Act was ____________________.
The Populists formed because ________________.
They changed _____________, _____________, and ______________.
The Populist group __________________because ______________.

Image result for exit ticket        
Do you think there are Populists examples today?
I think there _________ Populists examples today because _________________.

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