Sunday, November 29, 2015

Monday, November 30th

Welcome Back!!!

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How important are newspapers and special reports in your own decision making?  Why? 
 Newspapers are/are not important because ________________________.

Can you think of any story you read that changed your opinion about something?  What was it about?

A story that changed my mind was __________________.
It was about _____________________.

Name three (3) problems we saw at the end of the Gilded Age?

Three problems I saw at the end of the Gilded Age were
1. _______________________
2. ________________________ &
3. ________________________.

Muckrakers Activity

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What is a muckracker?

A muckracker is a _____________________.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday, November 20th

Current Events  - November 20, 2015

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Syrian refugees

What are refugees?

Refugees are ____________________.

Why do some Republican Governors not want to allow Syrian refugees in? Do you agree or disagree?

Some Republican Governors do not want Syria refugees because ______________. I ________with them because ____________________.

What do you think we should do?

I think we should ________________________.

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BHS now using allegory

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Thursday, November 19th

Populism & The Wizard of OZ - Thursday - 
November 19, 2015

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PowerPoint Overview:  Notes, always take notes!

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What did the flying monkeys represent and why?
The flying monkeys represent _______________because ______________.

When Toto pulls back the curtain, what does that say about the Wizard (President)?

It says ___________________.

What does everyone getting their wishes mean at the end of the movie?

It means ________________________.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wednesday, November 18th

Populism & The Wizard of OZ - Wednesday - 
November 18, 2015

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PowerPoint Overview:  Notes, always take notes!

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What does the Wizard of Oz stand for?  The Wizard of Oz stands for _________________________.

What do you think the Poppy Field represents?  The poppy field represents _________________.

What is the Emerald City supposed to represent?  The Emerald City represents __________________.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Tuesday, November 17th

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PowerPoint Overview:  Notes, always take notes!

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What is an Allegory?  An allegory is _________________.

Name 3 of the factors that contributed to the Depression of 1893?  The factors were ________, __________ and ___________.

What did the Wicked Witch of the East stand for?  The Wicked Witch of the East stood for ___________________.

Who did the Munchkins represent?  The Munchkins represented ________.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Monday, Friday November 16th

Populism & The Wizard of OZ - Monday - November 16, 2017


What does The Wizard of Oz have to do with Populism?

The Election of 1896
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Who do you think Dorthy represents? What about the Tornado/Cyclone? The Color Change?  Why?

Dorthy represents _________________ because _________.
The tornado represents ____________ because ___________.
The color change represents ____________ because _________.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Friday November 13th

Political Recap:  The Reaction to the Gilded Age
Friday: November 13, 2015

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Political Overview

What was patronage?  

Patronage was ___________________.

What did the Pendelton Act accomplish?  

The Pendelton Act accomplished  __________________.

Which one President during the Gilded Age is credited with some accomplishment? 

 The one President that is credited with doing something during the Gilded Age is _______________.

William Jennings Bryan's Cross of Gold Speech.Image result for william bryan jennings speech

Image result for writing assignments        Writing Assignment Due Tonight  at 11:59 p.m.

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Are you finished with your essay?

I have ________my essay.

Are you happy with your work? Why or Why not?

I am _______with my work because ____________.

Did you compare your essay to the rubric?  Did you fix some items?  
I _________ compared it to the rubric and fixed ____________.

What was your strongest argument for your thesis?

My strongest argument for my thesis is ____________.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thursday, November 12th

Politics:  Patronage, Civil Service Exams, Pendelton Act

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What was patronage?  Patronage was ___________________.

What did the Pendelton Act accomplish?  The Pendelton Act __________________.

Which one President during the Gilded Age is credited with some accomplishment?  ____.

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Writing Continuation...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wednesday, November 11th

Populism - Wednesday - November 11, 2015

What group started the Populist Party?
What were some of the problems farmers faced at this time?
What are some issues the Populists wanted to change?
What happened to this group?
Discuss and write in your journal.

The Populists were formed by the________________.
Some problems farmers faced were ____________and __________.
Issues the Populist wanted to change were  _____________, _____________, and ______________.
The Populist group __________________because ______________.

Jigsaw teaching

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Do you think there are Populists examples today?

I think there _________ Populists examples today because _________________.