Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome to Ingram & Vosick's Blog 

 Please take a seat and fill in your survey.

They will be collected in 15 minutes.


Introductions to your teachers:

School Supply List and Permission Slip
Due Monday! 

The daily routine will be fairly similar each day. This will help make transitions smooth. The structure of each 60-minute class will be as follows:

  1. 10-Minute Warm Up: Students will be expected to be ready to begin class on time. As soon as you walk in there will be a 10-minute warm up. 
  2. 15-Minute Mini-Lesson: The teachers will introduce the material as well as the instructions for individual or group work. 
  3. 20 Minutes of Independent or GroupWork: During this period, students are expected to work individually or in groups on the assignment given to them. This may include reading, watching videos, or working a group project. This work will also include answering questions or problem-solving either independently or in groups. 
  4. 10-Minute Debrief: As a class, we will all re-group at this time to discuss the main points of the activity and to assess if we have met our learning targets for the day.
  5. 5-Minute Reflection: Though the activity may vary, the act of reflecting will always occur at the end of the class. Students may be asked to simply give a Fist-to-Five on their understanding of the material, answer questions in a Ticket-Out-the-Door. 

Timeline for the Year:

1st Semester

1. Reconstruction Review
freedmens bureau.jpg 
2. The Gilded Age     
moneyhead.gif3.  Progressive Era     


4. American Imperialism

 5. World War I


2nd Semester


6. Roaring 1920's

6. The Great Depression

8. World War II
9.The Cold War


10. Civil Rights Theme

Exit Ticket

Write your name and class period at the top, please answer the following questions on a notecard:

1. What grade did you get in Social Studies last year? What grade do you expect to earn this year?

I got a/an_______ last year.

I will get a ______this year.

2. How do you feel about this class? What theme interests you most? Why?

I am ________ about this class?

Studying _______________sounds most interesting because ___________________________________.

3. Are you nervous about anything? 

I am nervous about ____________?

4. Questions about anything?

Where do I find_________________________?

How do I ________________?

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