Thursday, April 28, 2016

Friday, April 29th

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What does this cartoon show?  This cartoon shows____________________________.

Why is the Statue of Liberty carrying a weapon?  The Statue is carrying a weapon because ______________.

From whose perspective is this cartoon drawn?  Why do you think that?  The cartoon is drawn from ___________________ perspective because ____________________________.

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Cold War Prezi Projects.  Working in groups of 3 you will investigate and present to your peers on specific events of the Cold War both domestically and internationally.

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What is your group working on?  My group is working on __________.

What is one thing you learned today that you did not know before?  One thing I learned was ______________________.

What is one idea you would like to follow up on next week for the project?  One idea I want to follow up on is ________________.

Monday, May 2nd

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How did watching the video make you feel?  The video made me feel ___________________.

Is this positive or negative propaganda?  Why?  This is _____________ because ________________.

Do you get shown similar videos today?  How so?  We get shown ___________________ which _____________________.

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What is one thing from your research that you still see happening today?  How so?  I notice that __________________ still happens because ______________________.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Thursday, April 28th


Name the monkeys that were the 1st to survive a space flight.

___________ and _____________ were the 1st monkeys to survive a space flight.

What did they prove?

The monkeys provided evidence that ___________________.

Image result for cornell notes                CORNELL NOTES TIME

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WORD WEB - Pick 2 New Vocabulary

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wednesday, April 27th

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the 50's

What are 3 inventions or events that occurred in the 1950's?

Finish your research of the song "We are Start the Fighting."

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Name 2 events or persons you would like to learn more about?

Monday, April 25, 2016

Tuesday, April 26th

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What are your impressions of the Cold War?  My impression is _________________________.

What are your impressions of the 50's in America?  My impressions are ________________________.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Monday, April 25th


Warm Up

What are some of the effects of the bomb if you didn't die?

Some of the effects of the bomb if you didn't die were ___________and____________.

How would you feel about another country if they dropped the bomb on the US and you survived?

If another country had dropped a bomb on the US and I survived - I would feel ___________.

Image result for think about the questionsRead the questions and answer. We will discuss afterwards.

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What would have happened if Japan had created the atomic bomb first? Infer how history would be different.