Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday, December 16th


Wednesday - December 16, 2015

4 Corners Activity

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Monday, December 14, 2015

Tuesday, December 15th

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How do you define Yellow Journalism?  Yellow Journalism is __________________.

How does Yellow Journalism impact public opinion?  Yellow Journalism impacts public opinion by _____.

Who are the people most associated with Yellow Journalism during the Spanish-American War?  The two people are _________ and _____________.


Get out your graphic organizers.

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Which American engagement that we have studied do you think was the most justified?  Why?  I think _________ was the most justified because _______________.

Based on our studies give one example of each:
Imperialism ____________
Isolationism ______________
Collective Security _____________
Internationalism ___________________

Friday, December 11, 2015

Monday, December 14th

American Imperialism

Why was the United States interested in Hawaii?

The United States was interested in Hawaii because ______________.

What other countries were interested in Hawaii and why?
____________and ___________were interested in Hawaii because ________________.

Get out your graphic organizers.

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Which character do you feel you represent in your group project and why?

I am ___________because I _______________.

Friday, December 11th

Spanish American War

Image result for spanish american war     Spanish American War      

What was one of the main events that happened to start the war?
The main event that started the war was _______.

Was this a valid reason to go to war? Why or why not?

This ________a valid reason to go to war because _________.

Do you think this happens today? Why or why not?

I ____________it happens today because ____________.


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Are you ready to present? What do you have left to do?

I __________ready to present. I have __________left to do.

What surprised you about your event?

___________________surprised me.

What questions do you have about your event?


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, December 10th

What is Imperialism?

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  • Why was the U.S. interested in your country. 
  • Describe the conflict that was created. How did it impact the country involved & the U.S.?
  • How is this an example of American Imperialism?
  • Have visuals (ex. ppt, rap, poster) that will help your classmates understand how your situation shows American Imperialism.

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1. Which country are you analyzing? 

The country I am analyzing is _____________.

2. Do you believe it was a good or a bad idea for the U.S. 

to become involved in this country? Why or why not? 

Explain your answer with one reason.

I believe it was a ______________ idea for the U.S. to 

become involved in this country because 


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday, December 9th

Guess What Day It Is?

Image result for american flag waving
Climate Change

Which of the 4 vocabulary words is the  climate agreement an example of? How?

If U.S. decides not to participate in this agreement and figures it out on their own that is an example of what?

The climate agreement is an example of ____________because of _______________.

If the United States decides to do it on their own, then this is an example of _________________.

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Name two reasons the United States gets involved in foreign policy and why?

Two reasons the U.S. gets involved in foreign policy are 

_________________________________ and _____________________.

The reasons they get involved are because _________________________.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, December 7

"A Day That Will Live in Infamy"
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What did Roosevelt mean by a "a day that will live in infamy"?  He meant _______________.

What was the speech in response to?  The speech was a response to ____________________.

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Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday, December 4th

Progressive Era - Friday - December 4, 201

Image result for progressive era                 WORD MAP on PROGRESSIVE                                                                                 ERA

Image result for progressive era            PowerPoint

Grab a chromebook and log into

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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thursday, December 3rd

Progressive Era - Thursday - December 3, 2015

     Describe  this cartoon?
What problem is this cartoon addressing?  Could this cartoon work for today? Explain.

This cartoon has ____________.

The problem it is addressing is ___________________.

I think this cartoon ___________________today because _______________.

Progressive Era

Image result for progressive eraImage result for progressive era

What did the Amendments passed during the Progressive Era address?  The Amendments addressed ________________, _____________________ and ______________________.

What is the difference between an Initiative and a Referendum?  An initiative is _______ and a referendum is __________.

Wednesday, December 2nd

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Muckraker Presentations:  Take notes in your journals.  

  1. What is the Title?  
  2. What are the problems being presented?  
  3. What solutions are suggested?

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What do you think are the three most pressing issues?  The three most pressing issues are ____, _____ and ________________.

Why are they the most pressing?  They are the most pressing because_________________.

What solutions would you suggest?  I would suggest ___________________________.

Did you work well with your partner?  Why or Why Not?  I ______ with my partner because ____

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tuesday, December 1st

Muckraker's Continued - Tuesday - December 1, 2015

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Grab a Chromebook and finish your assignment - Muckrackers of Basalt High School!

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Are you ready to present? What is your problem? What do you think your readers should do?

________ ready to present tomorrow.

Our problem is that _______________________.

We think readers should ___________________.