Sunday, May 22, 2016

Monday, May 23rd

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What did Reagan conservatism stand for?  Reagan conservatism was about ___________, ___________ and _____________________.

Did Reagan believe in more or less government spending?  Why/why not?  Reagan believed in __________ government spending because ______________________________.

What was the primary economic theory that Reagan believed in?  What did this policy mean?  Reagan believed in _____________ which meant ________________________.

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On a sticky note - write down what you need to do to finish your project.

I need to ____________to finish my project.

Have you done your best on this project? Why or why not?

I ____________done my best on this project because ________________.

What grade do you deserve? Why?

I deserve a _________ because _____________.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Friday, May 20th

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What do you think the first cartoon is showing?  The first cartoon shows _________________________.

Who are the figures in the first cartoon?  These figures are ___________________________.

Who are the figures in the second cartoon?  These figures are _______________________.

What is the message of the second cartoon?  The message is ____________________________.

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What percent of your project is finished?

_____percent of my project is done.

Do you need help with anything?

I _____need help with ____________.

Thursday, May 19th

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What was/is the Watergate?  Watergate was __________________.

How many men were involved in the actual burglary at Watergate?

Who were the investigative journalists who "broke" the Watergate story?

What information specifically did they follow?  They followed the ____________________.

Who (what organization) coordinated the Watergate break in?  

Who was the primary FBI source of information?

What was the primary crime President Nixon committed?  President Nixon committed ____________.

How many Nixon officials were indicted on crimes?

What was the big deal about Nixon recording all the conversations in the White House?  The big deal was _______________.

What is the significance of a sitting American president resigning?  The significance is ___________.

Make sure you do all 3 steps with your partner.

You have 2 minutes to explain your project.
They have 3 minutes to do all steps.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday, May 18th

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Compare and Contrast!  Use our End of Year Project Rubric to review and grade the article on the NY Times website.  

Was it easy to use the rubric?  

What parts of the rubric would you change to make it more clear?  Why?

Do you feel comfortable using the rubric to help your project?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Tuesday, May 17th

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Write 3 Facts did you learn about the 1st moon landing?  3 facts I learned included ___________, ___________ and ____________________.

What did Armstrong mean when he said, "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind?"  He meant ________________.

How many people watched the moon landing?  _____________.

Why was the moon landing so significant?  The moon landing was significant because ____________________________.

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Rubric Handout.  Check In on Progress.  Questions you may have.

Time Frames: Gilded Age 1870-1900; Progressive Era 1900-1920; The Roaring 20's; The Great Depression and WW2; The Cold War (1950's and 60's); 70's, 80's and 90's

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On a sticky note, on a scale of 1-5 how are you progressing on the project.  What are one or two areas that we can assist you.

Monday, May 16th


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How many folks did they expect to attend? How many attended?

They expected _______to attend and it ended up having ___________ attend.

Why was Woodstock so significant? 

Woodstock was so significant because ________________.

Why do people still go visit the site?

People still visit because ____________.

What other music festivals have you heard of?  

Other music festivals are ______________.

How do they compare to Woodstock?

They are similar to Woodstock by _________________.

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What theme did you choose to study?  Why?  I am studying ____________ because ____________.

What medium are you using to present your findings?  Why?  I am using _________ because _______________.